

From Down Payment to Closing, Here’s What You Need to Know When Buying a Home.


How to Sell Your Home While Buying a New One

At first glance, selling your current home while buying a new one might seem like something of a magic trick. Both those transactions have so many moving pieces already – how could you possibly spin all those plates in the air without breaking them, or make your old house vanish as your new one appears?

Buying, Inspiration

The Top 8 Reasons to Move to Wheatland, California

If you’re considering Northern California as your next home, be sure to consider the lovely town of Wheatland. Resting at the edge of the spectacular Sacramento Valley, Wheatland offers small-town charm and boasts breathtaking natural landscapes, rich local agriculture, and more. Read on for our top 8 reasons why you should consider calling Wheatland your new home.

Buying, Research

6 Reasons Why Your Mortgage Approval Could Be Withdrawn

Even buyers approved for a mortgage may have their approval withdrawn just a few days before closing, or even once construction of their new home has begun. Most rescinded mortgage offers can come down to one (or more) of a few common reasons — and if you know what to look out for, these pitfalls will be that much easier to avoid.

Buying, Research

Types of Home Loans: Which One Is Right for You?

Anyone interested in applying for a home loan, or just in learning more about them, may find themselves inundated with information, with endless details and distinctions, before they’ve even clicked on their first search result. But you’ll find that as distinctive as they can be, most home loans fall into a few broad categories – and once you have a basic understanding of those, you can start to see which mortgage might be best for you, whether you’re an existing homeowner or a first-time buyer.

Buying, Research

What are Closing Costs & Who Pays Them?

So, what exactly are closing costs? At their most basic level, they’re a bundle of fees that are due on the day a property sale closes – basically any expense other than the down payment. Closing costs can be paid by the buyer, seller, or both, and legally must be disclosed and agreed on in advance before the purchase can be completed. 

Buying, Research

Who Pays Real Estate Agent Fees?

What exactly is a real estate agent fee, and how is it determined? As is so often the case in the homebuying process, appearances can be deceiving. Let’s learn more about what exactly real estate agent fees are, and what they could mean for you.

Buying, Research, Unsyndicated

What is Proof of Funds in Real Estate?

homebuyers will find themselves being asked for is a POF, or proof of funds letter. The POF is a document, provided by a bank or other financial institution, which proves that the buyer has the funds required to cover their share of a given transaction, like the purchase of a home.